The women of Bulike are making a difference and changing their future! Dear Friend, For generations poverty marked the women of Bulike, Uganda, and hopelessness hung over them like a…
And the Greatest of These Is?
Dear Friends, These three things: –faith, hope, and love – Dear Friends, These three things, faith, hope, and love, I can honestly say are the bedrock upon which UCSS is…
And the Answer Is…
Dear Friends, We’ve heard of Christmas in July, and now it’s Thanksgiving in February! Actually, my friend, every day is a day of thanksgiving here in Bulike and Buluya thanks…
Can We Agree to Agree?
Faith triumphs over fear every time! Dear Friends, Oswald Chambers is recorded to have said, “We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” The facts…
February is Prayer Month
“In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up…
A Month of Prayer with UCSS
February marks our annual month of prayer! We are blessed and thankful to have you interceding along with us this month. PRAYER POINTS FOR UCSS Unity in all departments and…
2020 Year End Report
Get our 2020 Year End Report and Help us Kick Off Our Celebration of Ten Years of Development in Uganda with UCSS! We are excited to share all the progress,…
First and Ten
It has been on my heart this first month of 2021, just how far the Lord has brought UCSS over the past ten years. For ten years God has been at work here in some of the smallest villages of Eastern Uganda: Bulike and Buluya, and truly, as the scripture above says, his strong right arm has done glorious things in the lives of the families here through our UCSS partners.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
I cannot begin to convey my thanks for your friendship during this most trying year. Knowing that you have willingly come alongside us in this mission to transform lives.