Make an impact that lasts

The easiest way to donate is online. You can make one-time donation or become a monthly donor. You can donate to specific or ongoing projects monthly or one time. 

To mail in a check, please make checks out to “UCSS” and note the intended purpose of the donation in the memo section of your check; for instance: “monthly water-well” Student Sponsor” etc… then mail to: Uganda Counseling and Support Services (UCSS) PO Box 1374 Columbia, KY 42728

Give to a Specific MINISTRY

We use a dynamic approach to transform communities, by giving people the tools they need for success, through education, economic and agricultural training, medical care, clean water, and spiritual and mental health counseling. Through these ministries we see people become empowered an active in their communities. With the necessary resources to built their lives, people are beginning to thrive!


Clean Water, water project, Uganda
Clean Water

Medical Care

Economic and Agriculture Development


Mobile mental health counseling services in rural Eastern Uganda
Mental Health Counseling

How You Can Partner With UCSS

Transform an Entire Region in Uganda Forever

You want to donate to a good cause but you want to feel confident that your funds make a measurable and meaningful difference in people’s lives. You need an organization you can trust. UCSS (Uganda Counseling and Support Services) is such an organization because it has the key elements you look for to ensure your investment dollars are making the maximum impact possible: a big and worthwhile vision, a track record of success and repeatability, a measurable and achievable plan, and regular accountability.

Watch this short video to see where your donations go.