
How Does Your Garden Grow? With a New Irrigation System!

How Does Your Garden Grow? With a New Irrigation System!

The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

1 Corinthians 3:8-9

We are celebrating a new Irrigation system!

Dear Friends,

Who would have ever thought we would be sharing news about irrigation systems in Bulike! I look forward each month to publishing our updates in one place and also writing a special message to you, and this month is so exciting; it’s been all about water, and in spite of internet and phone disruptions, we are going forward with God’s plans to meet the needs of the families here in Bulike & Buluya.

I wanted to share some seasonal information with you that shows how important our next steps are. Spring is the short rainy season here (March through May) followed by the extremely dry months of June through August which can be a devastating time for our crops as you will see in the video. However, thanks to UCSS donors who have partnered with us in irrigation, we are hoping to turn this around and save many more lives.

Celebrating our New Irrigation System!

Moreover, we believe this is yet one more step in breaking cycle of poverty that has long gripped our people and this land. Of the 12 UCSS Farms, one now has an irrigation system that has sparked hope for so many as they see a way to have, not only food year-round, but sustainable income as well. This prospect offers the opportunity to plant and harvest throughout the year.

So, as we end this month and begin a new season on the calendar, it is my prayer that you know the depths of gratitude that go into each word in this and every email and newsletter. This life-changing transformation here in Bulike would not be possible without you. It is also my prayer that you would consider partnering with our water ministry in bringing irrigation to all our farms. One plants, another waters, and we all thank God for the increase.

Standing with You,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya Founder/Executive Director: Uganda Counseling and Support Services