
Can We Agree to Agree?

Can We Agree to Agree?

Faith triumphs over fear every time!

Dear Friends,

Oswald Chambers is recorded to have said, “We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” The facts may indeed begin to stack up in opposition to our plans, but when they are God’s plans, we need only continue forward in prayer and faith because faith triumphs over fear every time.

Here in Uganda we have learned to not be moved by what we see or even more so, by how we feel… In January the government blocked much of our internet access, and I was unable to make calls or get our New Year’s update video to you. Still, I am thankful that I can share it with you today.

As you continue praying purposefully with us during this February month of prayer, I hope you realize that – while God is all powerful, all knowing, and omnipresent – He uses people in the earth to carry out his will. You are one of those people.

It is because of you that we are in our 10th year of ministry to the families of Bulike and Buluya; it is because of you that thousands of lives have been saved into the kingdom of God, and it is because of you that the people here have hope for a future.

In closing, it is my prayer that you will commit to praying for UCSS daily if you haven’t already. Prayer changes things, and it is prayer that will sustain us and give us the power to preach the word of God with boldness, even as the Apostles in the book of Acts are recorded as doing. Thank you, and may the Holy Spirit quicken your heart and guide you in paths of peace.
In Jesus’ Name,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services

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