Happy Memorial Day, Dear Friends. Across the United States, I know many are taking time to remember those who fought and died for their freedom, as well as to remember…
When are You the Strongest?
Thank you for standing with us and helping make UCSS the strongest. “…but the church was fervently praying… and the chains fell off his wrists.” Acts 12:5, 7 Dear Friends,…
World Malaria Day
Donors, partners, and friends of UCSS have made it possible to reduce deaths from malaria. Dear Friends, It may seem strange to read how excited we are about World Malaria…
New Life Comes to the Nana Maternity Ward
New babies are being born at the new Nana Maternity Ward! Join us as we celebrate health! Dear Friends, Greetings from Uganda! Knowing that in the States you have just…
An April Update from Dr. Ronald
There is good news in this April Update from Bulike and Buluya! Hello dear friends, We are excited to share this April update with you. Having just celebrated Resurrection Sunday…
How Does Your Garden Grow? With a New Irrigation System!
The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service;…
When You Give a Woman a Goat…
The women of Bulike are making a difference and changing their future! Dear Friend, For generations poverty marked the women of Bulike, Uganda, and hopelessness hung over them like a…
And the Greatest of These Is?
Dear Friends, These three things: –faith, hope, and love – Dear Friends, These three things, faith, hope, and love, I can honestly say are the bedrock upon which UCSS is…
And the Answer Is…
Dear Friends, We’ve heard of Christmas in July, and now it’s Thanksgiving in February! Actually, my friend, every day is a day of thanksgiving here in Bulike and Buluya thanks…
Can We Agree to Agree?
Faith triumphs over fear every time! Dear Friends, Oswald Chambers is recorded to have said, “We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” The facts…