
When are You the Strongest?

When are You the Strongest?

Thank you for standing with us and helping make UCSS the strongest.

“…but the church was fervently praying… and the chains fell off his wrists.”

Acts 12:5, 7

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Uganda. The first thing that comes to my mind as I sit down to write to you is, thank you all for standing with us, for praying for us every day, and supporting us with your giving. I would not be standing here today without you.

I’m reminded of Caleb and Hur who held up Moses’ arms while Joshua fought the battle against the Amalekites; likewise, your prayers are holding me and this ministry up as we fight the battle against poverty and hopelessness for the families here in Bulike and Buluya. So when are we the strongest? When we stand together.

That is why I am inviting you to be an Official UCSS Prayer Partner. The more people standing in the gap and praying for this ministry, the more the gates of hell are pushed back.

We see it every day; just in the past couple of weeks, our close friend had been having pains in her spinal cord and became unable to move. Now, as I write this email, she is healed and can walk because of prayer.

When the people pray, the chains fall off! Therefore, I humbly ask that you prayerfully consider joining our Official UCSS Prayer Partner team by clicking the link below and filling out the form. We have prepared a UCSS Prayer Manual that maps out seven days of prayer with each day containing a specific UCSS ministry to pray for. We will send this in the mail along with your official Prayer Partner Card as our gift to you for standing with us in prayer.

I want to close by saying that I hope to see many of you when I visit the States May 20th through the end of June. Thank you to those who have already fill out the request; we will be in touch soon! If you, your church, or small group are having in-person meetings and I haven’t heard from you, I hope to soon. Lets agree together for God’s will to continue to be done and for His unconditional love to continue to spread in Eastern Uganda.

We cannot do this without you!