
Who Would Have Thought?
Fresh Water

Who Would Have Thought?

As we raise funds to drill new wells, we say “Glory to God who has done immeasurably more than we have ask or imagine in Bulike, Buluya, and Beyond!”

Who would have known or even imagined that this week we would be celebrating our 11th World Water Day together?! We enter this second decade of UCSS ministry with 73 clean water wells – that equals over 30,000 lives, every day, saved from waterborne disease and preventable illnesses from contaminated water like you see in the picture below. It is above and beyond thanks be to God and to YOU for allowing Him to work in you!

Children collecting water from a dirty pond in rural Uganda.

Friends, God knew. He has known from the moment He placed this burden on my heart and wouldn’t let it go. He has known from the first well that was dug by the sacrifices of those who shared this vision that this mission was His, and He will complete it. It is evident that He is not finished yet.

In closing, let me invite you to our Water Challenge. There are just a few more days, but, as I said, God knows and is in control. Will you help us dig 10 more wells by the end of March? Teams are already in place and moving toward the goal. We are excited and so glad that you are here. Thank you for being a part of transforming Uganda one village at a time. 

God’s continued blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling & Support Services

Take the Challenge: Build Your Own Fundraising Team

Each team will work to spread the word and raise the funds to drill one new well. Find all the information and materials in our Water Well Team Challenge Packet or sign up using the button below.

Give an Entire Village Access to Life-Saving Water

UCSS wells serve over 100,000 people in Uganda each year, but the need is still great. It costs $3500 to drill a well and whether you give towards one well or drill ten, you are saving lives and giving hope.