
What Is Something We ALL Have in Common?
Fresh Water

What Is Something We ALL Have in Common?

We all need this basic thing to function, and we need to work together to get it!

Dear Friends,

To say that UCSS friends and partners are generous is an understatement. When I look back over the past 10 years and see how far we’ve come and the lives that have been saved, appropriate words escape me. When we first came to Bulike, the most immediate need was access to clean water, so we raised the funds to drill a well. We didn’t stop there because the need was so great. We kept drilling wells, and in a few years we reached our seventh well and we rejoiced! Then, after a couple more years, there were 12 wells, then by year seven there were 25, then 40… And today, as we enter our 2nd decade of UCSS ministry, we have a total of 72 freshwater wells!

So, what is something we all have in common? Water. And UCSS friends know that water changes everything. There is life flowing because of these wells, and where there was once a death every day in our villages due to waterborne diseases, now the death rate continues to decrease as we eradicate these preventable illnesses.

Because you have responded with prayers and resources, we are changing the face of Eastern Uganda one village at a time!

This Tuesday, March 22nd is World Water Day. We have made it easy for those who have a heart for UCSS Water Wells to become a sponsor in our Water Ministry. We have been training the men and youth of Bulike and Buluya to dig and maintain our wells! With self-sustainability as our goal, when community members take ownership of the process, things change. Not only do we save money by not having to “hire out” these services, but our families are also able to earn a living wage. This was not fathomable when we began.

What a great day to get involved in yet another life-changing, UCSS ministry. I realize, even as I write this update, this is not for everyone, but I also realize that it is for those whose hearts have been prepared for such a time as this. So, I had to share! My friend, we are praying to have 10 new wells funded by the end of March. (That’s just 13 days!) The scripture above is my prayer for you: As you bless the people of Bulike, Buluya, and beyond, may you be enriched with His blessings, and may you be watered and refreshed by the Spirit of His Grace. Thank you for reading this lengthy update. Whether you have been here since the beginning or just a few days, I do not believe it is merely a coincidence that you are here now. As the coming of our Lord and Savior draws near, I am grateful to be about the Father’s business with you. Consider partnering with us in our Water Ministry in 2022, and let’s duplicate, again and again, the story shared in this video. God’s continued blessings.

Help Us Drill a New Water Well (Or Ten!)

What is something we all have in common? We need water! This month, we are raising money to drill 10 new wells in areas that desperately need access to clean water. Without clean water many children get sick, and families struggle. A well is a lifeline for an entire village.