
Celebrating World Water Day!
Economic Development Fresh Water

Celebrating World Water Day!

“And Jesus said to her, ‘Will you give me a drink?’… She replied, ‘You have nothing to draw with and the water is deep. Where then will you get this living water?'”

John 4:7-11

Little did the woman in this scripture know that God’s love for her went deeper than any well – so deep that he would die to satisfy an eternal thirst she didn’t even know she had. It is the same for the thousands of people who make their way to UCSS wells.

As you see in this week’s video, our wells bring life-giving water to families who, in the recent past, walked miles to try and find water to drink. Now, life thrives around our wells – not just physical life, but spiritual life as well as we hold Bible studies and pray for those who come to our villages for this basic need. It’s a miracle that UCSS friends and partners make possible.

Where there was once no hope, and even through this pandemic, faith is alive and water is flowing! In honor of World Water Day, 2021, join me in thanking God for the 60 wells he has enabled us to dig, and pray about helping us reach our goal of 40 more by the end of this year. It is possible with your help!

Furthermore, your help enables us to educate, train, and lead the men and youth of Bulike and Buluya to operate our drilling rigs bringing us one step closer to fulfilling the vision of UCSS: self-sufficiency by transforming Uganda One Village at a Time.

It is the Lord our God who has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. To God be the glory for the things He has done, and thanks be to you for standing with us with your prayers and support!

In Jesus’ Name,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services