
Which Way Will You Go?

Which Way Will You Go?

We have to stop and evaluate what we are doing and why, and it always comes back to the old path: to share God’s unconditional love with the people.

Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16

The children of Israel seemed to always want to go another way, a new way, while all along God just wanted them to walk in His way – the good way, the way of rest. Before they knew it, they were just like all the other nations, running here and there, yet not knowing what to do.

Through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord tells them, “Stop at the crossroads and look around!” I know this is not my usual email, but I’m sharing this because I feel like we are at a time in history where, if not careful, we can get so busy that we move away from the path Christ has for us, that good path where there is rest.

Here in Uganda, we find ourselves at a crossroad frequently. We have to stop and evaluate what we are doing and why, and it always comes back to the old path: to share God’s unconditional love with the people. All the advances that are moving us toward self-sustainability and the education of a generation – if it is not all built on the foundation of Christ, the “good way”, it will come to naught; there would be no rest.

That is why we are training leaders in each of our ministry departments not only in their specific skillsets, but also in the word of the living God. That is why each department has Bible studies. That is why lives are being changed! Thank you for making this possible with your prayers and support.

In closing, I encourage each of us to remember why we started and to remember why we are here: to build God’s kingdom and bring hope to the hopeless. I am so glad that we are on this path together, this good way in which the Lord is leading us. May you have rest in Him today.
Your Brother in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services