
What is the Greatest Achievement?

What is the Greatest Achievement?

There are many days of getting to witness changed lives and real smiles because the light of truth has come to the villages here in Eastern Uganda.

It is a joy to sit down and write to you each week, to share what I’m seeing every day: things that are only possible because of UCSS friends like you. Yes, there are difficult days and hard decisions, but there are many more days of getting to witness changed lives and real smiles because the light of truth has come to the villages here in Eastern Uganda. We are especially encouraged by the change in the youth who, before UCSS, were destined to a future of hopelessness marked by alcoholism, child pregnancies, and despair.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10

Today, as you can see in the video – in spite of the pandemic and the setbacks it caused – our youth are resilient and determined to overcome. Since this video was made in 2021, we have started our second school term in 2022. The prayers and outreach of our youth leaders, educators, pastors here – and friends like you – are paying off, and we are seeing more and more young people returning to school. As suggested by our education team, we have since held games and competitions for the youth with neighboring churches that include “half-time” preaching and prayer! Children are being saved and getting excited to be a part of the UCSS community.

With your help we are truly building our youth for the future. Indeed, they are the future! When you invest in any UCSS ministry you are, in fact, investing in their future. You enable us to not only teach academics but also life skills such as farming, tailoring, crafting, caregiving, business and economics and more, and the opportunity for vocational training continues to grow. Thank you for being here and making it all possible.

In closing, I know that many in the States are preparing for graduations and celebrations of achievements with end of school year awards and festivities. So, I join with you in prayer for the youth of your family and friends. I pray that their greatest achievement will be to walk closely to the Lord and seek His wisdom in all their doing that all they set their minds and hands to, may prosper. Thank you for keeping UCSS in your thoughts and prayers as well. God’s continued blessings upon you and your family.
Your Brother in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services