
What Sound Does Freedom Make?
Agriculture Economic Development

What Sound Does Freedom Make?

Let freedom continue to ring in Bulike…

Dear Friends,
This weekend as you celebrate American Independence Day, I thought I would share some thoughts on freedom from the village where I am. You may not realize the part you have played in the freedom now experienced by the families here in Bulike and Buluya. You see, without you, your prayers and support, whole villages would still be in bondage: in bondage to fear… in bondage to poverty… in bondage to witchcraft… in bondage to hopelessness…

But, God had a different plan, and who the Son sets free, is free indeed! Thank you for bringing freedom and peace into lives like Sarah’s who you will see in this video, lives that the devil thought he had captive for good. Your giving has, first and foremost, made it possible to bring the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to thousands who had never heard of such grace.
Now, mothers and fathers have hope for their family, the means to work and have dignity. Now, a generation of youth have hope for a future, hope that is changing whole villages. Now, the sick have hope for a better life, one in which they will live and not die. Now, the elderly can smile knowing that change has come to their community, and it will be different for their grandchildren. Now, they are free in Christ to be all God created them to be.

Let me leave you with this scripture from Psalm 119:45 which says,

“I have gained perfect freedom by following your teachings…”

Every UCSS ministry – Education, Evangelism, Economic Development, Water, Agriculture, Counseling – each puts Christ first, for without Him, we know that it is all in vain. When you give to UCSS, you are giving freedom. You are making a difference.

God’s Continued Blessings,
