
The Joy in the Work
Agriculture Economic Development

The Joy in the Work

I go with joy knowing that this is where I am supposed to be, and not only me, but all my fellow UCSS workers here in Uganda.

Dear Friends,
I’ve heard it said that if you find a job you enjoy doing, you will never have to work a day in your life. May I say to you today that this is true. Every day I get up and say, “Here we go Lord!” and whether it is to the villages, farms, and clinics, or house to house to minister and help, or to the schools for leadership training and meetings, I go with joy knowing that this is where I am supposed to be, and not only me, but all my fellow UCSS workers here in Uganda.

You have helped make it all possible. The farms where families learn modern planting methods, the clinics where lives are saved, the wells where life begins for so many! How can I NOT give God all the glory and be glad in this work every day? When I see how far the people in the community have come, I am humbled by His grace. I recall a news article written by NewVision here in Uganda in 2019 entitled Bulike: A Community Lifted from the Dungeon. The title says it all, and the transformation continues.

When I see how far the people in the community have come, I am humbled by His grace

There are still more families to be reached, more wells to be dug, more ground to be cleared, more students to teach, and more souls in the balance. Today, even when it is hard, we still rejoice knowing that God will make a way. Help us continue this journey during these summer months, won’t you? Just as I know that God has me here for His purpose, I know that it is no accident that our lives have intersected.

May you have the same, great joy that I have, in sharing in this ministry, in giving so that we can continue transforming lives and whole villages. Thank you for being here. I’ll leave you with the following scripture and my sincere gratitude for your friendship:
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
God’s Continued Blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services