
How Would You Define a Miracle?
Economic Development Evangelism

How Would You Define a Miracle?

Miracle: A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency

We’ve often referred to UCSS as a miracle. The above is one definition, but a second definition adds to the meaning:

A miracle is a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.

It was highly improbable that the villages of Bulike and Buluya would ever change; it was highly improbable that the development of a self-sustainable village could ever transpire in such a remote, poverty-stricken region; furthermore, it was highly improbable that the vision to educate a generation could ever be accomplished.

But, here we are a decade of transformation later, and this highly improbable story is still unfolding, the consequences of which have been and are still being welcomed by families who are living proof of this divine intervention.

Thanks to UCSS friends and partners, Bulike and Buluya have changed: we have holistic means of self-sustainability, proven by a pandemic. We have accomplished a transformation, proven by lives lifted from hopelessness to hope, from fear… to faith… to a future … so much so that other organizations here in Uganda have come to see how and what we are doing. What do they see?

A miracle – a surprising and welcome event (the transformation of a village) that is not explicable by natural or scientific means; it is a work of a divine agency: the Lord Jesus Christ at work in His people (you), doing the impossible.

One of our American team members came to visit last week; while she was here, she was able to see a new well spring to life in the village of one of our teachers – a village that suffered like so many others before UCSS came. Now, there is life-changing water flowing, making all the difference for the families round about this well – a welcome event – a Miracle!

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus here in our villages. You know, we could not do this without you. With God, the improbable is made possible. Thank you for reading this update. Please take time and read all the updates in this newsletter. God is doing great things. Thank you for letting him work through your prayers and support.

Your Brother in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services