
Economic Development Evangelism General Updates

What Does It Mean to Be Intentional?

An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance. (John C. Maxwell)

Dear Friends,

One thing that can be said about UCSS is that we are intentional. As a matter of fact, here in Uganda we have set the theme for the year to be Intentional Growth & Seeking God. What does this look like in our villages? Over the past six months it has looked like this:

  • Evangelism: We’ve gone door to door, held Bible studies and counseling sessions resulting in 544 salvations.
  • Water: We have a total of 72 wells now. 40 were inspected/maintained with 20 new well sites surveyed this reporting period.
  • Education: We have a total of 647 students from primary, high school, and vocational school. 222 have sponsors thus far.
  • Medical: UCSS saw 3,303 patients at Nana Health Center and our clinics, delivered two babies, and made 472 home health visits, and saw 17 salvations.
  • Counseling: We covered 20 villages making 205 home visits and saw 12 salvations.
  • Agriculture: We have 969 community members working on our farms, sprayed 1951 trees with pesticides, and weeded/planted/maintained 152 acres.
  • Economic Development: We had 357 people attend financial literacy trainings, 124 active economic groups, and $515 were saved
Intentionally Sharing the Gospel!
As you can see, when you partner with UCSS, we do not simply “accept everything and do nothing“. No. First, we seek God intentionally by putting our plans before Him so that He can direct our steps.

Secondly, we embrace only the things that advance our vision which is to see the holistic transformation of Uganda by creating self-sustaining communities who are vibrantly experiencing and spreading God’s love.
So today, I leave you with this scripture from Colossians 2:7 which says Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth…

It is my prayer that as you seek God for His plans for your life, that you would also lift us up and see how the Lord might have you help us grow God’s kingdom in Uganda in 2022. It is an honor to call you friend, and I am so thankful for your prayers. We would not be here if it were not for our faithful, UCSS friends and partners.
God’s continued blessings,
Dr. Ronald KaluyaFounder/Executive Director:Uganda Counseling & Support Services