
What Do You Do When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood?
COVID-19 Response Economic Development Evangelism General Updates

What Do You Do When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood?

You watch the Lord God raise up a standard against him!

Let us come before him with thanksgiving
 and extol him with music and song.

Psalm 95:2

It is with much thanksgiving and praise that I write to you today, for in the midst of the turmoil on every continent, as the next verse of chapter 95 says, the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods. We know this because no other power could produce the progress we have seen in the midst of a global pandemic.

As you know, we had our first ever Virtual Vision Banquet with 136 registered attendees and nearly 200 viewers (this number is still increasing as more watch the recording). We had a goal of $50,000 for the banquet, and with all praise to God and much thanks to you for your prayers and support of this mission, we have received $39,489 in donations and pledges toward this goal. Your gifts are making the difference.

UCSS partners are the most generous, and your labors are not in vain. When our students were losing hope of returning to school, wondering if they would have a future – or if they’d have to go back to the way it was – friends of UCSS came through with donations for motorbikes so our teachers could reach more children. We were also able to purchase a Copier to print learning materials. I can tell you, they feel better and their joy is returning knowing that their friends are still there.

Because of the kindness of UCSS donors, shelter for our medical workers and teachers has built confidence and hope. When school opens, we’ll be able to retain good teachers who will no longer have to make long, dangerous journeys, and the sick can find help even in the middle of the night as medical workers can remain on site. Furthermore, even in the midst of the chaos, our churches are opening, and we are seeing lives eternally healed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here in Bulike and Buluya, there is still hope. There is still love.

None of this would be possible without you, without your daily prayers for us, without your kind, compassionate giving. As we look to the future and see UCSS entering its 10th year of ministry, we are also looking forward to making this journey with you.

God is not finished here, and he is working in our hearts on plans for the future as our goal of self-sufficiency continues. The road ahead will not be easy, but knowing that I have friends like you standing in the gap, making up the hedge, we will go forward in the confidence that God will complete the work he has started in us, in you, in UCSS.

Serving with You,
