
Ten Years Strong…
Economic Development Evangelism General Updates

Ten Years Strong…

…And we’re not giving up!

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

Lamentations 3:22-24

Dear Friends,

As I write this message, it is exactly one week until we
stream live with our 2nd Annual Vision Banquet: A Decade of Development. While
now, it seems like the years went by so quickly, during the journey, my friend,
some days – some years – seemed endless and many times the obstacles seemed

Through it all, however, as the above scripture states, the
steadfast love of the Lord never ceased! We would wake up in the morning, and
there would be new mercy! There would be a letter from one of you with a
donation that, in the words of so many of you, “The Lord just laid it on my
heart to send this to you.” Or, there would be an email with a prayer for us
that spoke directly into the current situation, and things changed! Time after
time this has happened, and as the cliché goes: He was usually never early, but
He was always right on time!

Because of your faithfulness to follow after the heart of
God and to fulfill the great commission, we are where we are today. As I’ve
said many times, there would be no UCSS without you, and that is why it would
mean so much to me if you would attend this year’s Virtual Vision Banquet with
me. It’s free, and I will be streaming live from Virginia. I will also be
available for live questions in the ending session.

I relate with Paul in his letters as he tells those standing with him how he longs to see them and share with them in spiritual things that they may be strong! I hope to share power in the transformation of the villages of Bulike and Buluya as you see what your partnership with UCSS is doing. I can honestly say that I love every one of you, and my heart is strengthened knowing we are on this road together. I’ll see you the 21st at 6:00 PM CDT!!!

Standing Alongside You,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

P.S. Want to invite a friend to join you for the banquet? Download the invitation below and share on social media, email or text to invite your guests today!