
Standing With You
General Updates

Standing With You

Greetings from Uganda, My Friend,

For all the times you have stood with me and held my arms up in prayer, I want to come to you today and let you know that I, my family, and the families of Bulike and Buluya, are standing with you during this trying time which you are facing. It is times like these, Proverbs tells us, for which brothers are born: to help in time of need and stand together as loyal friends. While we cannot be there physically, our prayers are with you daily, and we are agreeing with you that this virus will quickly pass from the land. Until it does, may you abide in the shadow of the Almighty, for He alone is our refuge and our fortress. We will trust in him!

It is hard to believe how quickly things can change, but let me encourage you today in the one thing that does not change. The God we serve who has broken through the darkness here in the villages of Eastern Uganda, who has thrown off the chains of witch craft and fear – this God who is transforming a generation who only a few years ago were headed down an endless road of hopelessness and despair – this God, our Father, will never leave you nor forsake you. Let us pray together that He who reveals secrets (Dan. 2:29), will reveal to the minds of those working with this virus, a vaccine.

In closing, I’m praying a hedge of protection around you and your family. God knows the end from the beginning, and we are hidden with Christ in God. In times like these, fear tries to push out our faith, but let me assure you there is no better foundation on which we can stand than the word of God. It is this word that makes our faith strong, so let’s hide it in our hearts, stand on its promises, and shield ourselves with it from the flaming arrows of the enemy. May the God of all peace give you comfort and protect you as you go on your way. I’m so glad we are on this kingdom building journey together. Amen.

Your Friend and Partner in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director

Uganda Counseling and Support Service