Greetings from Uganda,
Most communities here in Eastern Uganda suffer from poverty, leading to depression, addiction to alcohol, and early death. Some reading this update have been with UCSS long enough to know that we are committed to bringing the gospel to these communities and addressing their needs for holistic transformation, thereby changing a generation for Christ.

As we spread God’s love to these marginalized communities, bringing hope for life – not just here and now but eternally – we are also equipping individuals with practical skills and education, empowering them to break free from the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. This is why we want to share the UCSS Fall Vision Summit with as many people as possible.
There is still so much to do, so many lives to reach, and so much hope yet to share! You can join this mission to bring hope and transformation to those in need by registering for our live-stream Fall Vision Summit. It is so easy to do and it’s free. Furthermore, by sharing it with others, you are helping take the UCSS vision to those I would not be able to talk to otherwise.
Click here to register for the Live Summit Event.
You will receive the live-feed link the day of the event.
Click here if you would like to host a watch party the day of (or later with the replay).
You will still need to Register for the Live Event.
Thank you for joining your heart with me and the families who desperately need our help in Builike and surrounding villages; thank you for laying up treasure in heaven by saving lives with your prayers and support. I wanted to share this video so that you can see the young lives being raised up with your help to change the face of Uganda!
One more thing! If it is God’s will, let’s get together when I’m in your area. See the schedule below and CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT A VISIT INTEREST FORM. It’s an exciting time in our world. Jesus is building His kingdom, and I’m so glad that you are a part of this great commission. I can’t wait to hear how you will get involved this fall. Thank you!
Let’s Talk Soon,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services