
Run with the vision.

Run with the vision.

Dear Friends,

It is true! These children whom the LORD brings to UCSS are our heritage – every one of them, and our hearts are overflowing with thanks to you and to our God for what He has done. 

The children in these pictures are our Nakalama Christian Community Primary School (NCCPS) students who are preparing to sit for their state final exams to be promoted to high school. Do you know that this would not be happening except for friends and donors like you who have a heart for the youth of Eastern Uganda?

What you see here is a special day when parents and spiritual leaders come together to bless and pray over the children preparing for testing. It is a day we call Blessing Day.

UCSS has 1330 students in our three schools and vocational training. Since 2011 with a handful of students gathered for class under a tree, we are now seeing a generation, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, going forward and taking hope into their communities, displacing fear and despair as they go, transforming Uganda one village at a time.

–By helping build the vocational school/ resource center which would be a multipurpose facility to include a library, labs, and testing center?

–By building a church? Digging a well? Paying a teacher’s salary, a nurse’s salary, or investing in UCSS economic development: buy land, machinery, or farm animals?

–OR, by helping reach our $500,000 end of year goal?! Your donations will be matched up to $50,000 – doubling every dollar given!

There is so much yet to be done, so many doors open before us. What is your vision? Let us know, and let’s run with it together.

Serving with You,

Ronald & Ronah

Founders: Uganda Counseling and Support Services

P.S. Let’s talk about your vision and how we can work together to make it happen. Just reply to this email.