

Ronah Shares What Happens When Women Are Empowered

Things Change Forever.

Dear Friends,

As I write this email, my heart is so thankful for all that God has done in these first two months of 2022. While there has been sadness with the passing of my Father-In-Law, there has also been the ever-present help of the Heavenly Father which was manifested in tangible ways through friends like you.

At every turn – from the reopening of our schools, to, what can only be described as a God-ordained February visit to the U.S., to the outpouring of support for Ronah and the family, to the generosity of UCSS friends – we have seen the glory of God in this ministry.

There’s a scripture on my heart as I prepare this writing, and I want to share it with you:

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

What will this new thing be for UCSS? It will be greater transformation in the lives of our families, our women, our children, and our men. It will be self-sustainability that only 10 years ago seemed nearly insurmountable, but now is within reach. You have helped make a way here in the villages of Bulike and Buluya. You have helped bring fresh, life-giving water to a desert of hopelessness and fear. We see it. It is real.

In honor of this past Tuesday being National Women’s Day, I hope you will be inspired by Ronah’s video featuring this new thing that God has done for the young women of Bulike and Buluya. I pray that as God continues to “spring forth” His plans for UCSS, that you will come alongside me and perceive the difference we can continue to make in the lives of the families of Eastern Uganda.

God’s continued blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling & Support Services

Mariam excels at math, walks a mile to school every day and dreams of becoming a doctor one day.
Racheal enjoys learning about entrepreneurship and plans to study nursing to help her community stay healthy.

Babra helps fetch water for her family and loves literature. She wants to become a nurse.
Gloria plans to impact her community and put her lessons to work by becoming a teacher.