
Raise your hand if you know someone heading back to school?

Raise your hand if you know someone heading back to school?

Students in Uganda are excited and participating in many activities across UCSS schools.

Dear friends,
Greetings from Uganda! It is a good day to be serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the reason for our hope. It is also a good day for students everywhere. I know that in the States it is that time of year when students are returning to school from their summer break, while students in Uganda are about to begin their 2nd term break. it would be interesting to ask students on both continents who is the most excited at this time.

One thing is certain: UCSS student sponsors have changed the face of education here and in surrounding villages. Others are seeing the joy and progress of UCSS students, and they want to know what is going on. We are happy to tell them! Now, with the purchase of our school in Nakalama, God’s grace is being seen and felt by many others as the transformation continues.

It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult. ~Anonymous

We know, first-hand, the above quote to be true, for when we began this ministry, this sad truth was prevalent: broken lives, broken dreams, broken hearts. The children have been most resilient and freely embrace the good news of hope in Christ. As people see the goodness of God at work in the villages – thanks to the goodness of UCSS friends and partners like you – they realize something is different. Truth has arrived.

Many adults, however, were skeptical asking, why/how would strangers want to help us? For free? As you will hear Jacob, one of our students, explain, there is no denying the love of God when He reaches out His hand and makes a way right before your eyes. When his parents couldn’t be there, UCSS was. Now, Jacob wants to be a pilot, something unheard of 10 short years ago as the majority of young boys had no skills, no employment, and no hope. That was then. This is now.

In closing, as you are either getting your children or grandchildren ready for back-to-school (or know someone who is), or whether you are walking up and down aisles of paper and pencils, or when you’re driving through a school zone once again, pray for the children here. They are our future. Pray for our Student Sponsorship program to grow exponentially by the end of the year. Maybe even view our available students and, if you’re not already, consider becoming a sponsor or make a donation to our education department. I raise my hands in thanksgiving that you are here, and I thank you for being a part of UCSS in whatever capacity God is leading you.

God’s Continued Blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director: Uganda Counseling and Support Services