
Keep Our Mission Alive This Summer
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Keep Our Mission Alive This Summer


– Your Support Matters!

Help Us Beat the Summer Slump – Support Our Mission Today!

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Uganda! As the summer heat rises, so do the challenges we – and most non-profits like ours – face. While many people are on vacation or enjoying the sunshine, our mission field does not take a break. We rely on the generous support of friends like you to keep our mission alive during these challenging months.

Nangala Christ Love Community Church

Help Today!

This summer, we are counting on UCSS friends, to ‘take us with you in your heart’. Your support will make a real difference in the lives of those we serve. Every donation, no matter how big or small, helps us continue this life-sustaining, important work. With your help, we can beat the summer slump and ensure that our programs, plans, and initiatives thrive.

Together, let’s make a lasting impact and bring hope and change to those who need it the most. It is my prayer that you will join us this summer and be a part of something meaningful. Support UCSS today and help us to continue making a difference in the lives of the families here in Bulike, Buluya, and beyond.

God’s Continued Blessings,



Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services