

Intro to Summer Push Cam paign 2023

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
Audrey Hepburn
Dear Friends,
Thanks to you, UCSS is planting, not only gardens but also churches, schools, clinics, and what’s more – hope. Hope has been planted in the hearts of the people here in rural Eastern Uganda: hope for love and light, hope for freedom from fear – hope for tomorrow!
I chose the opening quote above because it speaks of summer, and it speaks of tomorrow. Here in Bulike, unfortunately, summer means a harder tomorrow. I will not lie. Finances take a downward turn in these months, and this season has been no different. But, we believe in a better tomorrow. 
We are making plans. We have committed them to the Lord. We trust Him to establish them (Proverbs 16:3). It is my heart, as I believe it is yours also, that if God is not going before us in any of these plans, then I don’t want to go there. Since so many doors are opening, I’m writing this week to ask you to prayerfully join me in asking the Father to show us the right way forward.
During these final days of summer, even though it has not looked favorable, we have kept His word and not denied His name. It is, and always will be, the purpose of Uganda Counseling and Support Services to:
spread God’s love to marginalized communities by comprehensively addressing their needs and equipping them for holistic transformation and sustainability while centering on the character and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ so that our families may vibrantly experience and spread God’s love.
In closing let me say, I know there are many good and worthy ministries of which you could be a part, but I believe you are here for a reason, if only for a season. If transformation stories like the one in this video connect to your heart, would you consider watering this ministry in this dry season so that all the gardens of UCSS that speak of tomorrow may continue to grow.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it”’ (Isaiah 30:21).
Thank you for being here and helping us today. 
God’s Continued Blessings Upon You and Your Family,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling & Support Services


  • Evangelism Ministry Sponsors enable funds to be available for what the churches, pastors, and teachers need to take this gospel to the highways and byways of Bulike, Buluya, and beyond.
  • Agriculture Ministry Sponsorsenable our farms to have funds available for needed fertilization, seeds, and equipment/repairs to daily operate as needed.
  • Medical Ministry Sponsors enable our doctors and nurses to order supplies and medicine as needed AND be paid for their life-giving services.
  • Education Ministry Sponsorsenable our teachers to have chalk, paper, pencils, curriculum, and lab equipment to run their classroom efficiently AND receive pay for their dedicated work with our students.
  • Water Ministry Sponsorsenable well-techs to have the gasoline and tools to get to the site, to be trained, and to be paid a fair wage for their labor.
  • Economic Development/Women Empowerment Ministry Sponsorsenable UCSS to train workers and provide supplies and support for this self-sustaining way forward for the people of Eastern Uganda.
  • Counseling Ministry Sponsorsenable trained UCSS Mental Health Facilitators to go into the villages and “minister” to families whose lives have been shattered by generations of abuse, poverty, and hopelessness.

 UCSS Lifers enable us to apply their kind donations to the ministry department where they are needed most at any given time.