
Inspired by Moms
Economic Development Education Mental Health Care

Inspired by Moms

The importance of the mother in a child’s life cannot be overemphasized not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are
a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck.

Proverbs 1:8-9

Hundreds of young girls find themselves in the same situation as Brenda seen in the video above: becoming mothers at a very early age due to generations of poverty where the only way out, traditionally, is to be married, or even worse, “hooking up" with a man who makes promises he cannot or does not intend to keep.

With your prayers and support, though, our vision to transform a generation of young girls and stop this cycle of child marriage and the demeaning of women has begun. I must tell you also that this virus is a major setback for our students and with still so much to be done. UCSS schools not only educate, but also share the love of Christ and show the young women of Bulike and Buluya that God created them in love, created them for purpose, and has plans for their future.

Mother and son wait for medical care at a mobile medical clinic operated by UCSS.
Mother and son wait for medical care at a mobile medical clinic operated by UCSS.

We have to make sure our students come back once school reopens. This Mother’s Day, would you ask the Lord if He would have you sponsor a student or a women’s economic group going forward? When this virus has passed, and it will, we would love to be able to tell many of our young people that they now have a sponsor. When families can’t pay school fees, and UCSS funds are not enough, it is the children – usually the girls (future mothers) – who suffer the most.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, for taking time out of your day to pray for UCSS, and for taking time to give of your resources to help us transform Uganda one village at a time, one mother at a time. May His grace abound toward you and your family, and may His hand of mercy be upon you during these hard times we are all facing. Our prayers are with you.

In honor of Mother’s Day, you can help a student stay in school….

Or donate to help UCSS Empower Women through economic development, literacy improvement and counseling…

2 thoughts on “Inspired by Moms

  1. Marine J. Jolly

    I already sponsor a student, Joy, whom I plan to continue sponsoring. I hope she is doing well. I wish I could hear from Joy. I am not able increase my giving at this time.

    1. Uganda Counseling and Support Services

      Thank you for being a sponsor!

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