
If Christians Can’t Go to Church…
COVID-19 Response Evangelism Pray With Us

If Christians Can’t Go to Church…

I was glad when they said to me, “Let’s go to the house of the Lord.”

Dear Friends,
All around the world, I think this scripture means more now to Christians than ever before. There is something about the unified prayer, praise, and fellowship that strengthens those in attendance. God inhabits the praise and worship of believers. The word inhabits means to make one’s home in. But what about now, during this time of isolation? What are we to do?

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20

When Paul and Silas were imprisoned for their faith, just the two of them, they did not despair. What did they do? They prayed and sang praises to God, and he proved this scripture to be true and broke off all their chains! He has not changed, my friend. But, like you, here in Uganda we’ve had to find different ways to have church. As you see in the video, most do not have internet, so pastors have gone out into the villages and encouraged families in prayer and Bible study.

Also, be assured if you have concerns about these visits and the spread of COVID. First of all, in Uganda there has only been 953 confirmed cases and zero deaths, with an 89% recovery rate according to the CDC at the time of this writing. We are following protocol by washing our hands, and thanks to your generous help purchasing soap and your continued support of water well drilling, we are able to do so thoroughly. Additionally, we are social distancing among our leadership as much as possible. Our efforts and faith are reaping great rewards, and families are coming to know the Lord; hearts are being encouraged thanks to you.

The enemy has tried to silence the voice of God from the beginning, or at least twist it or defame it, but we know that God is not through with UCSS here in Eastern Uganda; the work He has started will be completed until the day of Jesus Christ. The Bible is the voice of God to the people, and we are working to keep it alive and active during this lockdown situation. If you would like to help us get Bibles and bicycles into the hands of these families and pastors, please follow the links below.

We need your continued prayers and support as we work to …go out into the highways and hedges (the villages) and urge anyone we find to come, so that His house will be full (Luke 14:23). I’ll leave you with a final scripture: “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9 NLT). Thank you for standing with us and not giving up. We are praying for you!

Serving with You,
Dr. Ronald KaluyaFounder/Executive DirectorUganda Counseling & Support Services