
How to know if we are really free…
Economic Development Evangelism General Updates Pray With Us

How to know if we are really free…

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

I chose this scripture today because, even though Uganda was freed from Britain’s mandate over our country in 1962, I thought: were we really free then? Are most free today? After World War II and the crumbling of Britain’s hold on us, many Ugandans rose up and demanded self-rule. But, again, any rule apart from God’s rule is not freedom.

In light of and in respect for your Independence Day, we are so thankful for the true freedom our friends and partners in the United States have helped bring to the families of Bulike and Buluya. Your giving and your prayers enable us to bring the truth of freedom in Jesus Christ to thousands who are in bondage to fear, unbelief, and hopelessness. Sin is a hard task-master the scripture tells us, and seeks to keep people in chains of unbelief.

I am also thankful for your friendship and your interest in what God is doing through Uganda Counseling and Support Services. In spite of the unrest around the world, lives are being changed by the gospel. Every day, people are seeing the change in those who have made their way to Bulike, to UCSS, and they see the results of what believing in the One True God and his unconditional love can do.

In closing, know that true freedom is spreading from one village to another because of the involvement of friends like you. We can’t do this without you. As you enjoy your independence during this special holiday, please pray the work we are doing here, that we, too, will be able to continue freely sharing the love of God with the people of Eastern Uganda.

Love and Prayers,
Dr. Ronald KaluyaFounder/Executive Director:Uganda Counseling and Support Services