
How Do You Show a Father His Value?
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How Do You Show a Father His Value?

Dear Friends,

This Father’s Day I can tell you that this scripture is coming true in Bulike and Buluya. To this I can add stories like the one you will hear in this week’s video, stories of young men whose lives are changed because they heard of UCSS, and upon hearing they came and found the unconditional love of Father God. Or, stories like Pastor Niccodemus in the photo above who lovingly cares for his many children, grandchildren and church family. These stories inspire so much hope and change and I can’t thank you enough.

Today, you are the Father’s arms embracing the lives of those who had no hope. Because of UCSS partners and prayer warriors, a generation of young men like Stanley are breaking free of the past and are now sharing the truth of the gospel and the hope that it brings to their families. Stanley was one of our first students, and now he is a man of God, helping his family and making a difference in his community.

As you celebrate this day with your family, honoring the fathers and the men who have made a difference in your family, I think we can say with the Apostle John that there is no greater joy than to hear that our children are walking in truth (3 John 1:4). By being here you are helping us turn hearts to the Father and set lives on the path of truth that is making the people free.
Thank you, and may God’s continued blessings be upon you and your family.


July 8th, 2022

10:00 AM EST

Heartland Golf Club
850 Pine Valley Drive
Elizabethtown KY 42701


We hope you will join us for our Annual Golf Scramble as we Golf for Uganda to help address the root causes of poverty in rural Uganda. Your support allows us to use a holistic change model that lifts villages out of poverty and empowers people to change their circumstances by giving them the tools they need for success.

Team Registration Fee: $300 (4 Attendees)
Individual Registration Fee: $75 (1 Attendee)
Hole Sponsorship: $100
Register Today
Registration is due by July 1st 2022. To learn more visit