
For Freedom’s Sake

For Freedom’s Sake

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then…

Galatians 5:1

It is my prayer that you are walking in the true freedom of Christ, no burden of guilt or yoke of slavery anymore to condemnation and fear. My time in the States ended sooner than planned due to a family emergency, but I can honestly say that I left encouraged and strengthened by the gracious welcome which I received from so many. There is a freedom, a genuine love, amongst the friends and partners of UCSS that surely confounds the enemy and thwarts his plans.

As God always does, He intervened, and I’m back in Uganda, and things are alright. Though, for the time being, we are back in lockdown as this next variant of COVID has arrived. Still, there are not words to properly convey my true appreciation for all of you: UCSS friends, volunteers, prayer warriors, supporters, board members… partners in The Great Commission. To think that we have been on this kingdom building journey together for 10 years – a Decade of Development – is a statement of confirmation that God is building this house, and we are not finished yet! I am so glad you are here.

In closing, I am thankful that I was able to spend some time in America, and I am thankful for the freedom that allowed me to do so. This freedom you have spills over to other continents, setting spiritual captives free, bringing the true light of freedom found only in Jesus Christ. The fact that you are here makes all the difference. We cannot do this without you, so let us “…stand firm, then…” for our foundation is sure. Pray for the ministry; pray for the families; pray for Uganda. May the Lord continue to bless you in all that you do.

In Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services

P.S. If we did not get to meet together this visit, let us pray we can this fall.