
Education Update

Education Update

Summer 2021

You are seen. You are loved. You are cared for.

This is the heartbeat of Student Sponsorship. To show a child that they are not invisible. To connect them with someone across the globe who deeply cares for their well-being. To hand them a tangible expression of God’s love through every letter and gift their sponsor sends. While the financial commitment of sponsorship meets the physical needs of our students, there’s a greater need we’re ultimately seeking to meet: for each individual child to know their worth in the Lord.

It is our desire for every student to be sponsored. For each child to receive the same measure of love as the rest. While we still have a long way to go right now in this regard, we are always looking for opportunities to minister to our full student population. Recently, this has been in the form of shoes.

We began a Shoe Drive in December with the goal of purchasing brand new shoes for every student at our schools. As soon as one class is fully funded, we begin the process of purchasing their shoes. As of today, there are only 1 more class to fund! We are only $2,103 away from reaching the whole school. Those who have received their shoes already are blessed beyond belief. My words could not convey the impact as well as the students themselves can. Hear from them directly by watching the videos below:

Over the past 4 years, our Education Ministry has grown through the impact of Student Sponsorship. Our hope is to replicate this impact to every ministry of UCSS. We’re beginning with two – Medical and Water Well – to launch a new type of sponsorship. This Ministry Sponsorship will allow us to invest in the staff members of each department and meet their monthly needs to ease their burden of ministry. Yet more importantly, it paves the way for relational investment in the lives of our staff. Just as we desire for every student to know their worth in the Lord, we long for the hands and feet of UCSS to hear the heartbeat of sponsorship:

You are seen. You are loved. You are cared for.

Will you sponsor? Take the step today to change the lives of a student or staff team!