
First and Ten
Economic Development FUTURE General Updates

First and Ten

“The strong right arm of the LORD is raised in triumph.The strong right arm of the LORD has done glorious things!”

Psalm 118:16

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of the Lord. It has been on my heart this first month of 2021, just how far the Lord has brought UCSS over the past ten years. Please take time and review the Year End report below as it has all the details of what God has enabled us to accomplish recently.

In my studies, recently, I’ve learned an interesting fact about the number ten that I wanted to share with you. Every Hebrew letter has a numerical value and a name which also has a meaning; the number ten in Hebrew is very significant, and since this is our tenth year of ministry, it is also a significant number to me. I hope you will see it as well.

The Hebrew character for the number 10 is called the Yod (pronounced like mode) and it looks much like an apostrophe — — making it the smallest of the Hebrew letters. Furthermore, the Yod (10) symbolically means God’s Hand or Arm at work in the lives of mankind (hence the scripture above). For ten years God has been at work here in some of the smallest villages of Eastern Uganda: Bulike and Buluya, and truly, as the scripture above says, his strong right arm has done glorious things in the lives of the families here through you, our UCSS partners.

In these uncertain times, especially at the beginning of this new year, I know many are considering where, how, or even if to continue giving to the work of missions abroad. I also know that some of you have wanted to partner with us in the past, but were unsure how. I prayerfully submit to you that this 10th year of UCSS ministry is an exciting time to begin as a Decade Builder, a partner who gives $10 per month for 10 months OR $100 per month for 10 months in 2021. God has more plans for UCSS, and I humbly ask that you consider being a part of this ten month endeavor.

Finally, for those of you reading this who have stood and are standing with us financially, I can’t thank you enough, and I hope the attached report makes your heart glad as you see what all you have done: You’ve helped us get to ten – let’s do it again! There would be no UCSS without you, and thanks to you God has been glorified, lifted up, and made alive in the hearts of the families here in Bulike and Buluya. It is my prayer that God’s wisdom guides each of you and that His grace and mercy flows freely in your lives throughout this new year.

In His Service,
Dr. Ronald KaluyaFounder/Executive Director:Uganda Counseling and Support Services