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Christmas Message, 2021

Dear Friends,

It is Christmas week as I write this update for you, a week of celebration and thanksgiving here in Bulike and Buluya, none of which would be possible without you, our UCSS family of partners, donors, and friends. Every day we see the reason for the season as life after life and family after family is changed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

We know that it is you, allowing His love to flow through you, that is making the difference for so many. Even in hard times like the COVID Pandemic, your kindness has been overwhelming, and now the tornado outbreak whose path was right through the states where many of you reading this, live – still you’ve sent your love and well-wishes our way. Please know that our hearts and prayers have been, and will continue to be, with you all. You have always been there for us, and we are here for you.

As we near the end of this year, here in Bulike and Buluya, Christmas week is always busy and one of the happiest times for our communities as we gather for games, community outreach and trainings, team and leadership events, and especially our end of the week, Day of Thanksgiving celebration. People from all of our churches, along with the parents of students, water well and farm beneficiaries from different sectors – all gather for worship, praise, and gratitude to God for ALL His blessings and for all our American friends!

When you are blessed, you thank God, and we are so thankful to each of you. As you celebrate Christmas this year, pray with us for all those less fortunate, and share the good news of the birth of our Savior with someone who has not heard. The best gift we can give is our hearts, and from the bottom of our hearts, we love and appreciate you more than you can know. Merry Christmas from all of us!

In His Name,

Ronald, Ronah, and the Girls….