
Medical Care Nana Health Centre

Who is the Wonderful Counselor?

Dear Friends,

As May comes to an end, I want to thank you for helping us make this Mental Health Awareness Month possible. This year 8,452 people have received counseling, up from 5,600 from this same time period in 2023, and we are now serving three districts: Luuka, Buyende, and Kaliro.

Since the recording of the above video, UCSS donors have provided bicycles which enable our counselors to go into communities to reach the hurting who are unable to reach our clinic.

Because of generations of oppression and fear, many of the patients that make their way to Nana Health Center and our mobile clinics are found in need of counseling more so than actual medical care. Our trained counselors are able to recognize these needs in a kind and unassuming way, leading them to the help they need. UCSS donors’ prayers and support make all the difference.

This month we conducted training for our counselors that would not be possible without your prayers and support.

… and when fear has crippled a soul for most of their life, the truth shines a gentle light that exposes the underlying causes of the pain. According to the National Institute of Health and other sources, chronic joint pain, limb pain, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, to name a few, are often the presenting symptoms of a deeper hurt linked to anxiety and depression.

Thanks to UCSS friends we are now able to have a focal counselor for each UCSS Ministry Department and a stationed field counselor in each community we serve.

Our God is known as “Wonderful Counselor” and when you consider the scripture “…a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22), He has let us know that that there are root causes that medicine alone cannot address. We never assume mental illness is the cause, but knowing it exists and understanding the physical relationship to it is bringing freedom and change to thousands. 

Pray with me that God continues to open hearts for healing and doors of opportunity for this UCSS Counseling Ministry. Thank you for reading this lengthy update and for being an integral part of transforming Uganda with your prayers and support. I encourage you to watch the video above of one success story, and there are many! God is faithful. Thank you for being His hands and feet, making all of this possible.

Serving with You,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services