Our Actions are Motivated by God’s Great LOVE
Dear Ronald,
I know that Valentine’s Day is over, but as I make my way from place to place here in the U.S., I’m overwhelmed by the love I have received. From Missouri, to Virginia, to Kentucky, to Texas! UCSS partners and friends are the best.
How do I know? It is because UCSS partners have been putting their love in action, even more so during these hard days when it was needed most. Countless times, before we even ask, provision has come.
Here is what LOVE has done over the last several months:
- Helped our AGRICULTURE MINISTRY purchase 26.2 acres of land and 17 animals; hold Bible studies on our farms where 288 people accepted Christ, and planted 5,750 new trees!
- Helped our EVANGELISM MINISTRY reach 1,737 homes in 13 different communities, counsel 632 people at a one-on-one level, launch 6 youth economic projects, give out Bibles, disciple new leaders, and help build churches.
- Helped our MEDICAL MINISTRY treat over 4000 people, educate 526 households on health & hygienic practices, and have 12 successful deliveries in our new maternity wing.
- Helped our ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY add 32 economic group projects to empower more people, see a rise in income due to new skills in 1798 households, and have 121 Bible study and discipleship sessions among group members.
- Helped our WATER MINISTRY train our own youth to be drilling technicians, drill 15 new water wells including a new well and water pump installation at Liberty Christian Community High School.
- Helped our EDUCATION MINISTRY continue educating our students while schools were closed, even seeing noticeable improvement in our Primary Examinations; schools opened back up January 2022, and the educating of a generation continues with the completion of the girl’s dormitory!
- Helped our COUNSELING MINISTRY continue holistic counseling during the pandemic for 1200 clients which has led to a reduction in domestic violence and child abuse, and they have provided coping skills and resources to 512 students since October 2020.

Another way UCSS friends show love is through intercessory prayer. Speaking of which, I would love to have you partner with me in prayer by being an Official UCSS Prayer Partner. It is your prayers that bring the provision!
February is our month of prayer and a time when we encourage you to agree to pray for UCSS during your prayer time. We’ve even developed a prayer manual to help you know what each ministry needs. Would you sign up for this today using the information below?
I would love to have you partner with me in prayer by being an Official UCSS Prayer Partner.
In closing, know that the families in Bulike and Buluya are standing because you are standing with them. They know that God has done this great thing, and they are getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ because of you. May His love fill you and overflow as you walk into His plans for 2022.
God’s continued blessings,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director: Uganda Counseling & Support Services