
What Makes a Great Beginning?

What Makes a Great Beginning?

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Dear Friends,

Greetings and Happy New Year from Uganda! While praying about this email, I thought about our UCSS beginnings, and I was reminded of Job 8:7 which says “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be." I had to lift my hands and thank the Lord for this verse because, as we’ve been looking forward to this 10th year of ministry, humble beginnings surely marked UCSS: humble because there was seemingly no hope and no future for the families of Bulike and Buluya. But God had a plan above and beyond all that I could ask or think.

He had people like you in place who caught the vision and joined their hearts in a mission to spread God’s unconditional love to the families of Eastern Uganda. You have stood with us in prayer and have remained faithful in times of uncertainty, and because of you, we are transforming lives one village at a time. I am, therefore, believing the rest of this scripture will come to pass that says our future will be prosperous. The Hebrew meaning of prosperous is to greatly increase. It is our prayer that we will see an increase in souls saved from eternal darkness, see an increase in hearts changed by the truth of the gospel, and see lives filled with hope for a future.

In closing, as we start this year with prayer, I am asking that you join me in praying for divine guidance for 2021. Pray, also, as to how we might go forward together, for this work cannot be done without you. Whether it is by being my daily prayer partner, financial partner, or both, I know the Lord is making a way for UCSS. Please know that I, Ronah, and all of the team here in Uganda give thanks for you every day.

We are serving a mighty God going into this new year, and I am so grateful to have you with me on this journey. Thank you for reading these emails, and may you have a blessed and prosperous new year.

Serving with You,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya Founder/Executive Director, Uganda Counseling & Support Services