
What is Sweet and Refreshes the Soul?

What is Sweet and Refreshes the Soul?

Dear Friends,

This scripture inspired this update: “… sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” Pr. 27:9
I have spent this month surrounded by hundreds of friends in the United States, and to say that my soul has been refreshed is an understatement. So many of you have invited me into your homes, your churches, to restaurants, to offices, but no matter where I’ve been, I have received a sincere welcome and felt the genuine kindness from the hearts God has joined to this mission. Better friends a man could not have than UCSS friends, and I hope to see more of you in the spring!

As you read this newsletter, know that every transformation story, like the one in this video, was made possible because of the prayers and support of friends like you. What you see and hear about is not possible in the natural. A few men and women could not do what has been done in Bulike and Buluya. God, however, is doing the impossible, breaking chains of darkness that held the men and women of Bulike and Buluya in hopelessness.

It never gets old! With your help, we dig a well (we now have 75). Bible studies are started near the wells, and the families want to hear about the God of the people who give expecting nothing in return. So, we start a church (we will have 16 by the end of the year). With your help, we clear land and plant crops (we have approximately 8 model farms). Church happens on our lands and school goes on while men and women are trained in modern ways of farming, leading to self-sustainability. They also see God’s unconditional love in action, and they want to learn more about this Jesus.

This, my friends, happens in all our ministries. You are making it possible to bring, not only fresh, life-saving water to drink, but also the real, life-changing Water of Life that spills over into every aspect of what we do. Thank you for standing with UCSS. We are not perfect, but we are perfectly confident that God will complete the work that He has started here in rural, Eastern Uganda. I’m so glad you are here, and I thank you for every prayer, every dollar, every encouraging word, every handshake, and every hug. I head back to Uganda ready to continue the good fight of faith, encouraged and strengthened by your friendship.

God’s Continued Blessings,
Dr. Ronald KaluyaFounder/Executive Director:Uganda Counseling and Support Services