
What Do You Get When You…
Agriculture Pray With Us

What Do You Get When You…

Dear Freinds,

There is a quote that says, “A bountiful harvest is the reward for nurturing the seeds of diligence,” and as I thought about this update, I wanted to convey to you how much I value your sacrificial seeds sown into this ministry. How can I properly communicate that it is never taken lightly, but is “diligently” tended to, prayed over, and worked with, with the utmost care?

Without seeing you face to face, it is my prayer that this video of Charles, a life forever changed because of you, will resonate with your spirit just how impactful your partnership, your friendship, and your prayers are. I walk among the families here and see real hope reflected in their eyes, and I am forever grateful for you.

Friend, what we are seeing here in Uganda is the “ingathering” of souls resulting from over a decade of discipleship that is producing pastors, teachers, nurses, farmers, and entrepreneurs. And, yes, it is because of the good ground of the gospel of Jesus Christ into which every seed in UCSS is sown. Everything rests on this.

As we enter into the final months of 2024, we continue to prepare the field, to reach more villages, to rescue lives from the hopelessness that is pervasive in most surrounding areas. Would you pray with us as UCSS pastors go out into the villages, as the UCSS medical teams take medicine and holistic health to our neighbors, as our youth graduate and go into society, that great favor be upon them as they diligently spread God’s love and hope?

In closing, remember that you are a part of the reward that these “seeds of diligence”produce. May God bless you beyond all that you may ask or think as you continue to allow Him to work within you (Ephesians 3:20). Thank you for being here, and I would love to hear what God is speaking to your heart at this time.

Serving with You,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya,

Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling & Support Services

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