Bulike school is at the heart of UCSS’ ministry to transform all of Uganda one village at a time. It all starts with the children! And recently, Bulike school was…
Need to Build 8th Grade School Building!
We need a home for our 7th graders! The current class is graduating this December, and they currently have no place to go. This is especially problematic for the girls…
2015 Banquet Huge Success
On October 20, 2015 UCSS hosted its annual Banquet. Over 180 people attended the lovely Barn at Cedar Grove. UCSS raised over $45,000 in donations and pledges that day, thanks…
Water Well Drill container is on its way to Uganda!
For many months we have been working on getting the container for the water well drill to Uganda. This has proven to be a difficult and arduous task. My soul is…
Video Update from February 2015 Mission Trip
Please watch this 7-minute video of the mission trip led by board member Laura Harris. Blessings, Ronald Kaluya
Board Member Assesses Ministry’s Impact in Uganda (Video)
Hi, my name is Michael Blank, and I’m a member of the UCSS board. During the summer of 2014 I had the chance to visit Bulike, the first time I had…
How Evangelism and Teaching Can Transform Lives Forever (Video)
I have a confession to make. I have underestimated the power and love of our God. God is working in supernatural ways that are hard to explain. However, the transformation…
How a School Can Change the Lives of Over 500 Children in Uganda
This was probably the favorite part of my trip: the children. When you arrive at the school, there are 100s of children learning and playing. We asked many of the children…
Medical Care Update (Video)
I had an opportunity to witness one of the monthly comprehensive medical clinics while visiting. It is a sight to see! Over a hundred people being treated or waiting to…
Economic Development is at the Heart of Self-Sufficiency in Uganda (Video)
At the heart of UCSS’ ministry is to help the people become self-sufficient. We don’t just want to give people stuff, we want to teach them how to provide for…