The Economic Development Department at UCSS is changing lives as they mentor, train, and encourage people as they develop income producing skills. Most people in Uganda are farmers, however, farm yields are often not enough to generate incomes and are primarily for subsistence farming (to feed their families). When crops are ruined due to drought, pests, or flooding, there is no other way to earn money for food or other needs.
Things We’re Doing
- The economic co-op groups meet together to plan and strategize.
- Group members attend weekly meetings where they are encouraged, trained, led through Bible study and counseled by mental health facilitators.
- Members participate in financial literacy training which teaches the value of saving money and using it responsibly.
- Many young adults participate in training at our vocational school and are learning new skills like tailoring and jewelry making so that they have a way to earn an income.

UCSS’ 20th Church Plant!
Dear Friends, When your village is known for witchcraft, alcoholism, domestic violence, and sexual immorality, then kindness and the unconditional…

Let There be Light…
Dear Friend, Just 10 years ago, we were losing a life every day to waterborne diseases because there was no…

When Is Tunnel Vision Enough?
In This Issue... Happy New Year! (12/29) We Have Seen His Salvation (12/22) A Christmas Miracle (12/17) Nothing Is Impossible…