
UCSS’ 20th Church Plant!
Economic Development Evangelism Pray With Us

UCSS’ 20th Church Plant!

Dear Friends,

When your village is known for witchcraft, alcoholism, domestic violence, and sexual immorality, then kindness and the unconditional love of Jesus shows up again and again, darkness soon learns it cannot continue in this environment, and you are free. This is exactly what happened in the village of Nantamali, a community close to Buluya.

Under the supervision of our UCSS Evangelism and Discipleship Department (which UCSS partners make possible) and the kindness of Mr. Kawolo Alipakusaadi (who has temporarily given us space in the Natamali Trading Center), we share the good news of the planting of the 20th church under Uganda Counseling and Support Services: Natamali Christ Love Community Church. 

This is what partnering with UCSS looks like: Your prayers and generous donations go into the highways and hedges of the remote, forgotten villages of Eastern Uganda and truly make disciples! We are still amazed at the speed with which this missional community grew. 

According to Mr. Isaac Mukiidi, Liberty Christian Community High School (LCCHS) teacher and leader of Nantamali Bible Missional Community, it was because of the clear UCSS vision and mission of spreading God’s love whenever they met in the community by “sharing meals and sharing the word of God by helping them understand their value in the kingdom of God.”

Mr. Mukiidi says that the Natamali Missional Community started with eight people at the host family, Mr. Alipakusaadi’s, compound and grew to around 130 by May of this year. Then, June 13th through the 15th there was door-to-door evangelism and a crusade held by LCCHS team members which, combined, saw 70 souls saved and joined the church.”  There were approximately 200 gathered during the formation church service on June 16th.

Because of UCSS friends and partners, economic training is a reality, and the cycle of poverty is being broken for many like Ms. Peace Namuleme who says:

“This Church has given us hope as women of this community. Today my child is in school after praying for a financial breakthrough. I give God the Glory.”

Because of UCSS friends and partners, discipleship is possible and evil spirits have to flee! Mrs. Brendah knows firsthand:

“I thank God for Nantamali Christ LoveChurch. Many of us are now free from evil spirits through prayers. I have seen the love of God when we started fellowshipping in the Bible Missional community. I thank God for the opportunity to serve and hopeful that my husband joins me soon in holy matrimony.

As you can see, the fight is real, and it continues, friends. Our day-to-day operational fund is feeling the heat. How will you help us make our Sustainable Summer Challenge goal of $300,000 a reality?

What can you give each month for three (3) months? Three Month Sustainability Gift

What one-time gift can you give this summer? One-Time Sustainability Gift

In closing, I humbly ask that you pray for the answers to these questions, and God’s will, will be done. We know that every appeal is not for everyone, every time. Let there be no compulsion but only cheerfulness in this effort. It is God who gives the increase, and we praise God with you for all that He is doing through your life.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services