
Thank You for Standing with Me
General Updates

Thank You for Standing with Me

“Were not all ten cleansed?” Jesus asked. “Where then are the other nine? Was no one found except this stranger to return and give glory to God?” Then Jesus said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well!”
Luke 17:17-19

Dear Friend,

It is believed that nine of the ten were Jewish because Jesus told them to go to the priest and show him that they were cleansed. However, one was believed to possibly be a Samaritan with whom Jewish people did not associate. But, since he was a leper just like them, it was no big deal…until they were cleansed. They went back to their “old life”, but the Samaritan knew where life came from now, and he went back “to thank the One” who saved and transformed him.

When I first came to the United States, I also knew God was up to something bigger than I could ever have imagined. He had prepared hearts to join with the vision of UCSS, and the transformation has been, and continues to be, one of healing for the families of Bulike and Buluya: healing of hearts, healing of physical bodies, and greatest of all, healing of the mind and spirit. Ultimately, we know God has done this, but it is through you that He is working and bringing about changes like you’ll see in this video: life-saving medical equipment made possible from our Medical Sponsors and others with a heart for medical missions.

I have just returned to Uganda having spent October in the U.S. thanking as many of you, in person, as possible. I cannot stay over here and never come back there to thank the ones who are standing with this ministry in prayer and sacrificial support of finances, time, and talents. I can’t just return to life as usual without letting you know that it is your encouragement, faith, and friendship that helps me “rise and go”, pressing on in faith with you to continue the healing of lives and hearts.

In closing, therefore, I am returning here, in this update, to thank you for your love and heart for the things of God, His kingdom, and the people of Bulike, Buluya, and beyond. I’m “going in faith” because God is healing these communities, and He is not finished yet. Pray with me for the Father to lead us and show us how He would have us go forward together to end this year strong. Thank you for reading this email, and thank you for being here on this journey of hope.

God’s Continued Blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services