As we celebrate the love of God and the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our sins, I remember the words of the Apostle Paul, “If Christ is not risen, our preaching is in vain, and we are of all men most pitiable.” But, praise the Lord; He is risen, and all who believe this will not perish. I come to you this Easter Season to thank you, for just as the resurrection brings new life to any who will believe, you, my prayer warriors, supporters, and friends, are allowing God to use you to help bring new life to the families of Bulike and Buluya.
Once bound by the stronghold of darkness, the people in these communities are being transformed by the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus who came to set the captives free, and this good news is spreading throughout the surrounding villages. This resurrection life has come to these people because you have prayed for us, given of your resources to us, and joined your heart and hands with the vision to change Uganda one village at a time. You are making a difference.
Today, it is my prayer that the joy and power of the resurrection be upon you as we remember together why the Father gave his only son to die: that he might bring many sons to glory, and that includes you, me, and the families we are working together to reach. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope to see you or hear from you soon.
My love be with you all in Christ Jesus,
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If God is moving you to support this ministry, there are three things you can do now:
- Make a donation
- Request to have me speak to your church or group
- Ask how you can get involved.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support!
Dr. Ronald Kaluya