
Mother’s Making A Difference…
Medical Care Nana Maternity Ward

Mother’s Making A Difference…

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Uganda. We wanted to take a minute and thank you all for changing the way motherhood – womanhood in general – is viewed and understood here in Bulike, Buluya, Nakalama, and surrounding villages. I list these communities, because it is not so for the majority of our neighbors in Eastern Uganda.

But! The transformation is taking place, one village at a time, thanks to friends and partners of UCSS. Through vibrant community groups, you are enabling, not just bodies and minds, but hearts also to foster a culture of love that radiates within and beyond our communities.

When this happens, hope radiates through families as they see God’s unconditional love in action.

Finally, these mothers’ hopes, as spoken of in this quote, start with simply getting their children safely delivered, and until you enabled healthcare to come to these villages, this hope was fleeting. But, this Mother’s Day in UCSS villages, over 3,000 patients are seen in Nana Health Center in Bulike and Nana Dispensary in Buluya each month. Thank you for making the term “Happy Mother’s Day” a reality.

In closing, Happy Mother’s Day and thank you for being here. This ministry to mothers and their children, to their husbands and entire families wouldn’t be possible without you! Have the best day celebrating God’s gift: Mothers.

Love from Uganda,


Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services