These Health Heroes are Changing Lives! 

Medical and health care services through UCSS provide routine, preventative, and diagnostic care for communities in rural Uganda. We are seeing excellent results. Our health teams regularly care for patients in the community that would not be able to access care any other way. These teams are saving lives.

On average over 3,000 patients are seen and cared for each month between the Nana Health Center (Level II) and the Nana Dispensary in Buluya. Additional services such as testing, community hygiene outreach, home health visits and maternity services have been added to increase the overall health of the community.

Sponsor Medical Staff

The Medical Staff at Nana Health Center and the mobile clinics brings hope to the community through health services. You can partner with them to help transform Uganda!

Highlights from the Medical Department

  • Over 4,000 patients are seen at the Nana Health Center each month.
  • Patients can receive laboratory testing to test for Malaria, H-Pylori, Typhoid, HIV, etc. at the Nana Health Center, and the Nana Dispensary in Buluya.
  • Vital supplements and routine medicine including Vitamin A supplements and deworming medication are regularly distributed in the community.
  • Many patients receive family planning/contraception remedies.
  • Health care advocates regularly visit homes to help educate the community on hygiene, sanitation, and proper nutrition to fend off disease.
  • Community Health Outreaches continue to expand into the neighboring communities, helping improve the health of more people. 
“Before UCSS came people in this community and the surrounding areas used 50 km (31 miles) to the nearest health center to seek medical attention. Very many children under the age of five used to die due to diseases, malnutrition and poor sanitation. But when UCSS built Nana Health Center in this community, people here are able to come for counseling and seek medical attention when sick."
Head Nurse at Nana Health Center
"[UCSS] has the right philosophy. We love their idea of helping without hurting. You're helping people along the communities, spiritually, physically, medically- you're helping them along without hurting them. It's a very organized system that they have in place. It's wonderful how it can be life-altering for generations for these communities."
Toby Rost
Short Term Medical Missions Team Member
“I am the second born of nine children and I am the only one that managed to go to school. I joined nursing school because I had the desire of becoming a health worker so that I could go back to my village and treat them. I'm very thankful and grateful to UCSS for having given me an opportunity to see light by sponsoring my education and the vision that they have put in my family and myself and my community.”
Health Care Worker at Nana Health Center

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Why Medical Missions in Uganda?

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