
General Updates

Meeting with village elders

We had church in Bulike last Sunday. Worship is currently being done in one of the homes of the believers and there are a sizeable number of people coming to the church right now and they are mainly new converts from the crusade that took place last year that many of you contributed to. Thank you for that seed! A local lay leader occasionally comes in from the nearby village. Close interaction with the village elders and the Christians showed that many of them are new to Christianity having had little or no discipleship or even bible study. I have shared UCSS’s focus of discipleship. When I talked to them about their spiritual needs, most of them said that they wanted a church building even a semi permanent structure and many feel that lack of it could be a barrier to some coming to church. I shared with them that they are the church and also about the early church in the book of Acts and in of Paul’s letters that though the early church had no formal structure and were prosecuted but had zeal for God and for spreading God’s word. It is my prayer therefore that through the ministry of UCSS the Bulike people can develop this zeal of the early church through discipleship. Kindly pray that UCSS can be able to carry out its earlier planned activities for 2011 plus building the house of the Lord in Bulike this year. It is absolutely the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer that can bring total revival in this community of Bulike. It’s not only looking dark, but also spiritually empty. People are blinded by the culture and indeed many are bound by demonic powers as a result of allegiances to idols and small gods passed on from generations. Please pray with us that these yolks can be broken and for light of God to come. We have shared about the good God that we serve and that truly God’s love is universal and how people in America millions of miles away love them and  are praying for them and want them to be fed spiritually, emotionally and physically. I have attached some of the pictures from last week’s events. Thanks a lot for your prayers and May God continue to bless you. Your Love and support to us and UCSS bears faithful witness to the God from whom your practices emerge, and whom they reflect and they are enabling individuals and communities to participate faithfully in Christ’s redemptive mission. [youtube=]