Dear Friend,
Just 10 years ago, we were losing a life every day to waterborne diseases because there was no access to clean water. Families shared water ponds with the animals because there was no other source. Now, here in the midst of people who thought that they were forgotten, God’s unconditional love has been seen through your kindness, and now there are over 90 freshwater wells in Bulike, Buluya, and neighboring villages.
Not only this, but there is also water for farms and schools. People have access to medical care, and most importantly, the love of Christ is being spread in so many amazing ways. This new decade of ministry has us thinking that, when we look back 10 years from now, what greater things than this will God have done through the friends and partners of UCSS?
As water wells began this transformation 10 years ago, electricity will highlight the next 10, providing even greater life-giving opportunities.

Friends, it’s true – electricity is coming to Bulike! The poles are up, the transformers are in, the wiring is done, and we are waiting on approval from Uganda Rural Electrification Board. With your prayers, and by the grace of God, in three (3) weeks, this blessing will be realized. Thanks be to God for those of you who have spearheaded this amazing project.

While we are excited beyond belief that our schools, farms, homes, and clinics will have light, we are so excited that now, there will be stable power to our refrigerator that stores blood. This is the difference-maker.
Just last December we went to visit one of the members of the community whose daughter had malaria, which is fatal because it makes people anemic, especially children. They had spent two or three days looking for blood in all the nearby districts.
Sadly, because they could not get blood, their child passed away. According to The Peace Corps website in an article from May 2023, malaria remains one of the leading causes of death in young children in Uganda. But, praise God, as of this week we are in collaboration with the Uganda Blood Bank and the Red Cross, and now, in 2024, families can come to Nana Health Center for life-giving blood. This is what your partnership is making possible!

Thank you for reading this lengthy update and thank you to all those who have made this gift possible. Thank you to all of you who will be joining your hearts and resources with us as we move forward into this next chapter of ministry. Because of you, more lives will be saved, and the name of our God will be lifted high. Hope has been ignited once again. Let there be light!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Ronah Kuteesa Kaluya
Co-founder: Uganda Counseling
and Support Serivces
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up by clicking here to meet with Dr. Ronald this spring to hear what all you are making possible This is only the beginning. With God, all things are possible!