
It’s Earth Day! When Is the Best Time to Plant a Tree?
Economic Development General Updates

It’s Earth Day! When Is the Best Time to Plant a Tree?

The best time was 20 years ago…The 2nd best time? Right now!

Celebrate Earth Day- Grow for Good with the UCSS Agriculture and Economic Departments

Dear Friends,

“To plant a tree is to plant hope,” says American Poet Lucy Larcom. This may sound trite to some, but I know, personally, the truth in this saying. When UCSS first came to Bulike, there were very few trees, resulting in soil erosion, loss of crops, and inevitably, loss of hope. The trees had been cut down over many years and the land became overgrown with weeds, brush, and fallow, hardened ground.

But! God gave us a vision and supplied the provision, and today we have planted over 53,000 trees here in Bulike and Buluya. As you will see in this video, Larcom was correct, and trees are bringing life and hope to our villages in so many ways. We thank God for all the partners who support our Agricultural Ministry, bringing us ever closer to our goal of self-sustainability with every seed and every tree that is planted.

While the world celebrates Earth Day today, we are celebrating the goodness of God and the generosity of His people for making the transformation of Bulike and Buluya possible. The field of our hearts are jubilant as we continue to take the message of God’s unconditional love to neighboring villages. Would you like to help us, not only plant more trees, more vegetables, and more fruits, but also train the youth, the men, and the women in modern farming methods?

“Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy” (Psalm 96:12).

As I close this update, I invite you to come and Grow for Good with us as we look for hearts that are ready to partner with us through agriculture advancements and sponsorships. In this season of planting and new life, God is taking our UCSS roots deep so that we can withstand any storms that come our way. We are leading, training, and hoping for a strong future, and I am grateful that you are here. May you join with the trees of the forest and sing for joy at the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

God’s continued blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling & Support Services

Help us Grow the Agriculture & Economic Departments this Earth Day!

You can help change thousands of lives by sponsoring a trainer, funding a new model farm, giving to these departments, or sponsoring an entire department to Grow for Good!