

How Evangelism and Teaching Can Transform Lives Forever (Video)

I have a confession to make. I have underestimated the power and love of our God. God is working in supernatural ways that are hard to explain. However, the transformation taking place in Bulike is real and lasting.

As I interviewed many of the adults and children, one thing became clear: before UCSS arrived, their outlook on life was …. well, they didn’t have an outlook. They had no hope or aspirations because it would have been futile anyway. Their “hope” was that none of their children would die that day.

Suddenly these other Ugandans arrived and started telling them about a God who loves them. Why would a higher power love them? This didn’t make any sense. And then these other Ugandans drilled fresh water wells and treated the sick. Why were they so kind? Slowly they overcame their suspicions and hundreds accepted the love of Jesus Christ as modeled by these strangers, the staff and volunteers of UCSS.

This love that they couldn’t explain completely changed their outlook of life and turned their desperation into hope, something that they’ve never experienced before.

We had a chance to meet with a high-ranking official in the Ugandan government. He was telling us about how he was trying to help the village he came from. He said he used his influence and personal money to bring electricity to the village. He gave the people much money. But he said, none of that many any difference at all.

My conclusion from all of this is that the difference between the two approaches is our Almighty God. When we do things in His name, when we tell others about His love, and then serve them, powerful transformation can take place.

Watch this video to learn more about UCSS’ teaching and evangelism ministry.

I hope you enjoyed the video!