Join us for a virtual fundraiser to bring HOPE to Uganda!
Every year in June we hold our Annual Golf for Uganda Scramble to raise funds to bring clean water, medical care, agriculture, education, and the gospel to the people in the remote villages of Eastern Uganda, namely Bulike and Buluya for now.

The transformation that has taken place in the last eight years is amazing and can only be seen as miraculous. God has taken what we give and has done great things through the hands of Dr. Ronald Kaluya and the team on the ground there.
Children could not go to school because, on the way there, they would be kidnapped by witch doctors. Parents wouldn’t take a chance, so for generations a girl’s only hope of survival was to marry at 12-14. Life expectancy for most was not good.

UCSS has built a primary school in Bulike and a secondary in Buluya. The youth in and around the area are flocking to UCSS schools (which have become top in their district-closed now due to Covid) and we are seeing a generation of youth being transformed by the love of Jesus Christ, a good education, and hope for the future.
Additionally, UCSS, through friends and supporters, have built a medical clinic which provides vaccines that are saving thousands of lives. The 60 fresh water wells built but donors are also saving lives reducing the spread of water borne diseases that led to one death or more every day.
UCSS is making a difference. Helping the helpless, bringing hope to the hopeless. UCSS doesn’t go into a village, give some food, build a church (though 12 have been established and pastors trained!) and leave. They are a holistic ministry: training, teaching, and preparing the people to be self-sufficient.
We can’t golf, but we can give! Give today and change a life forever!
Give FORE Uganda 😀
Make a Hole-in-one by donating today!