That you may tell the next generation that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever." Psalm 48:12-14:
Dear Friends,
I knew you would love the video above. This is what changing a generation for Christ looks like! Our youth were going nowhere before friends like you chose to give, pray, and intervene. Now, Bulike and Buluya have become a beacon of hope for surrounding villages such as Nakalama, Innula, and beyond. Just as we set out to do, we are “Transforming Uganda One Village at a Time” – one student at a time – because of you.
Your support is bringing about positive change. Whether it is through education as we see with Alex in the video, or the medical field, evangelism, or clean water ministry, or if your heart is supporting counseling, economic, or agriculture development, transformation stories like this are the reason we exist.
We love what God is doing, and I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to be a part of something truly extraordinary – extraordinary because our God is orchestrating the work; He is opening doors, and they are coming in! Young and old, alike, and it wouldn’t be possible without you.
In closing, it is with a heart full of love and gratitude that I write this update. In spite of the obstacles and difficulties that present themselves daily, we are encouraged knowing that you are here praying and standing in the gap. May the love of God fill your life and His peace keep you as you walk in the light of His grace. I’m so glad that you are here.

God’s Continued Blessings,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services
P.S. I am coming to the States this spring/mid-March, so let’s be praying about how we might get together. Whether one-on-one, a small group, or church gathering, let’s make a difference together. Use this form to schedule a date! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Don’t Forget to be Praying for Each UCSS Ministry!
- Evangelism – more church plants, pastors’ trainings, and crusades
- Medical – more land, equipment, and medical workers
- Education – more dorms, school renovations, staff trainings, and family/community involvement
- Counseling – more Mental Health Facilitators (MHFs) training, offices, and networking opportunities
- Clean Water – more wells, drilling partners, and sustainable projects for maintenance income
- Agriculture – more training, fruit trees, model farms, and security at farms
- Economic Development – more land for vocational classrooms, more instructors, equipment for training in various careers: hairdressing, carpentry, concrete works, etc.
**If you have not received your 2023 Tax Summary in the mail or by email, please let us know by replying here. Thank you for all you did in 2023! UCSS would not exist without your prayers and support.**